Publication Date: January 2018
Research and Editorial Team: Carina Tenor; Charlie Beckett, Julia Ziemer
Hyperlocal News: After the Hype –  A Polis/LSE Report

This digest has been produced in cooperation with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

The digitalization of reporting and providing news was the hope to save the mainstream local news under growing financial pressure, but sector of a small community of news providers using digital tools and platforms to report from places and in forms that commercial outlets cannot.
The challenges that hyperlocal news sector is facing are accountability in journalism, business side of the news, lack of resources, however, the sector amplifies the democratic value of media pluralism and raises importance of the hubs to support the local news sector.
Hyperlocal sector ensures the diversity and tailored news not only to cater for the needs of readers, but from the contributors themselves. However, funding, sustainability and visibility are among top challenges faced in the sector, connecting the questions with further struggles for accountability, maintaining readership and expansion.

Tags: Local media Ethics of journalism United Kingdom

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