Among the main findings of the survey, there's the fact that the regulatory framework pictures a split situation as only half of the respondents declared that such regulations exist; then, the fact that a majority of media workers still work outside the newsroom, either on a permanent basis or only for some days per week, and this even before the pandemic; there is, in the end, a clear lack of collective agreement at company level.
This short survey aims at being accurate but not exhaustive: 20 answers from 20 countries were received, while other data were gathered through EFJ activities and desk research.
Among the recommendations (for journalists, for unions and for employers), there are some useful tips for journalists, such as: "Know your rights. Don’t assume that home office or telework is not regulated. Contact your union/association and exchange information with your colleagues if needed", and "In the absence of a regulatory framework or collective agreement, define an agreement about home office / telework with your employer, in your working contract".
A copy of the questionnaire is attached to the report.
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