Publication Date: December 2020
Research and Editorial Team: ECPMF, with contributions by Renate Schroeder (EFJ) and Luka Zanoni (OBCT)
MFRR Fast Response Mission Report: Montenegro

The purpose of this virtual fast-reaction mission was to understand from stakeholders in Montenegro the  current  state  of  media freedom  in  the  country,  in  relation  to  individual  cases  such  as  the  ongoing  criminal proceedings  against  investigative  journalist Jovo Martinovic and the legacy of the unsolved  crimes  such  as  the  shooting  of  Vijesti journalist Olivera Lakic in 2018 as well as a broader analysis of the environment for journalists and  media workers as a whole.

Throughout the meetings, a number of trends and themes emerged, which guided the subsequent meetings and the contents of this report.

Several actions can be identified that will be key to rebuilding trust and implementing sustainable reform.

They include, among other pressing concerns, the following recommendations identified in the report:

  •         Ending impunity for crimes against journalists and media workers by ensuring police and prosecutors investigate all attacks and threats and bring perpetrators and the masterminds behind them to justice;
  •         Establishing shared standards and principles for the regulation of the media market that encourages a fair playing field;
  •         Continuing the reform of the public broadcaster;
  •         Reforming journalistic source protection and, generally, ensuring that all new or amended media laws are drafted in line with international standards and best practice on media freedom and pluralism.
Tags: Montenegro SLAPP Safety of journalists Media Law Media pluralism

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