Publication Date: July 2021
Research and Editorial Team: EFJ, IPI and ECPMF
MFRR Monitoring Report III

In the four-month reporting period between November 2020 and the end of February 2021, 147 alerts (with 256 attacked persons or entities related to media) in 27 countries were uploaded to Mapping Media Freedom. When compared with the overall number of alerts from the two previous reports, this demonstrates the highest number yet:
• March to June 2020, 120alerts
• July to October 2020, 114alerts

The impact of COVID 19 on media freedom is undeniable. Beyond direct public health risks for actors who require unfettered abilities to travel, access information and engage with different stakeholders across society, the pandemic has
demonstrated how pliable the relationship is between the state, the public and media actors.

The three monitoring reports have also traced the expansion of a pronounced anti-media sentiment that has fueled distrust and anger towards media outlets and actors across the MFRR region.

Tags: Research Safety of journalists

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