Publication Date: March 2017
Mapping of media literacy practices and actions - EU28

Mapping of media literacy practices and actions - EU28

The European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, in this brand new study provides the first major mapping of media literacy initiatives in Europe. A detailed analysis of the main trends is based on a selection of 547 projects imprelemented across EU member states. 

The authors found that initiatives to develop 'critical thinking' were the most prevalent, followed by 'media use' covering projects which aim to improve our ability to search, find and navigate and use media content and services.

Other major findings include the very active role played by civil society with 'extra-curricular projects aimed at 'teens and older students' as the main target demographic for media literacy projects.

The study is accompanied by a wealth of background media literacy research contained in its 4 annexes, including detailed national summaries, summaries of the 547 featured projects supplemented by 145 detailed case studies.

Tags: Media literacy EU Member States

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