Media in southern and eastern oblasts of Ukraine
The monitoring was conducted for one month in 6 cities, among which those directly involved or bordering the conflict: Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Zaporizhzhya, Kharkiv, Severodonetsk and Kramatorsk.
The monitoring considered local media, both printed and online, assessing through qualitative and quantitative methods what kind of information is available for citizens residing in these areas.
The quantitative analysis measured the share of local and national news, their public relevance, the share of news related to the conflict such as the situation in the occupied zones and IDPs, highlighting the publication of commissioned stories.
The qualitative analysis considered the adherence of the news to the six basic journalism standards: balance of opinions, promptness, adequacy, separation of facts and comments, accuracy and completeness, with the aim to identify which professional standards are violated in the materials on local topics.
The monitoring activities resulted in a report presenting the main tendencies in the media space of the 6 region considered, qualitative and quantitative insights as well as the opinions of journalists working in these areas.
Detailed visualization of the results are provided is separate sections (see for instance the infographic on the Donetsk oblast ).
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