Media pluralism and democracy: outcomes of the 2016 Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights
The 2016 European Commission's Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights focused on media pluralism and democracy, bringing together national and EU policy makers, international and civil society organisations, editors-in-chief, journalists, national regulators, representatives of different journalists' and media associations and of IT companies, academics and legal practitioners.
Participants explored, from a fundamental rights perspective, the multiple links between a free and pluralistic media and democracy. Discussions drew on the results of a special Eurobarometer survey on media pluralism and democracy and of the Media Pluralism Monitor , which makes clear that no EU Member State is free from risks to media pluralism.
Six targeted round tables looked at concrete ways to step up collective action to safeguard and promote media freedom and pluralism. Their focus was specifically taking into account the following aspects, which are discussed from different perspectives in the report presenting the Conclusion of the dialogue:
- Protect media freedom and independence from political pressure;
- Safeguard the financial independence of the media in the European Union;
- Protect journalists and their freedom of expression;
- Protect journalists and new media actors from hate speech;
- Protect whistleblowers and investigative journalism;
- Promote a healthy political debate and lasting political engagement through media literacy, media ethics and media pluralism.
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