Publication Date: June 2015
Research and Editorial Team: Remzi Lani (editor), Rrapo Zguri (Albania), Belma Buljubašić (Bosnia Herzegovina), Shkamb Qavdarbasha and Krenar Gashi (Kosovo), Petrit Saracini (Macedonia), Daniela Brkic (Montenegro), Jovan Teokarevic (Serbia)

Reporting Neighbours in Balkan Media | Albanian Media Institute

This book contains six monitoring papers drafted by media experts from Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The reports focus on analysing the coverage of neighbouring countries in the mainstream media in each country. The aim of the report is to identify the main trends, violations, and stereotypes in reporting on neighbours in domestic media. They also described measures undertaken by media or other authorities/organizations on addressing the situation, their efficacy, and their balance to freedom of expression. Direct monitoring of specific media or case studies was provided to illustrate the trends.

Tags: Western Balkans Media pluralism Hate speech Albania Bosnia Herzegovina Kosovo North Macedonia Montenegro Serbia

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