This report examines the role of European regional courts (ECHR and CJEU) in protecting the right of freedom of expression and information. It reviews the role and jurisprudence of the European regional courts in 2014 with regard the right to freedom of expression and information. The report highlights the judgements and decisions delivered by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg with respect to Article 10 and Article 8 ECHR, and by CJEU in respect to Article 11 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The first part of this report offers an overview of the most important 2014 (final) judgments delivered by the EctHR, clustered under the following items:
- the protection of whistleblowers under Article 10 ECHR,
- freedom of political speech and criticizing public persons and politicians,
- the balancing of Article 8 and 10 ECHR in relation to privacy and the right of reputation,
- the findings of continuing abuse of anti-terror law restricting freedom of expression in Turkey,
- and the repetitive violations of the rights of protesters and the right to peaceful assembly and public demonstration in Russia.
In 2014 the ECtHR found 47 violations of the right to freedom of expression and information. In 12 judgements it found no violation of that right. In other cases it relied on Article 10 in order to justify that there had not been a violation of Article 8 (right of privacy or right of reputation) in cases of alleged privacy breaching or defamatory media reporting.
Tags: Freedom of expression Whistleblowing Council of Europe Member States EU Member States Russia Turkey