The second MPM pilot-project is a follow-up to the Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 (the revision and test implementation of the 2009 Media Pluralism Monitor), and it extended the monitoring activity to the countries which had not been previously covered.
The first phase of the MPM2015 project was devoted to simplify the risk-domains considered so as to strengthen the potential of the indicators to provide valuable and comparable data on the risk of media pluralism in any given EU member state and beyond. Risk domains have been reduced from 6 to 4.
The examined risk domains considered by MPM 2015 include: Basic Protection (Protection of freedom of expression, right to information, journalistic profession; Independence of national authorities); Market plurality (Transparency of media ownership; Concentration of media ownership and cross-media ownership); Political Independence (Political bias in the media; Politicisation of control over media outlets & media distribution networks; State advertising; Independence of public media & news agencies); Social inclusiveness (Access to media for different social and cultural groups, physically challenged people and local communities; community media; Centralisation of the media system; Universal coverage of the public media and the Internet; Media literacy).
The 2015 implementation was conducted in the remaining 19 EU Member States, namely:
Austria , Croatia , Cyprus , Czech Republic , Finland , Germany , Ireland , Latvia , Lithuania , Luxembourg , Malta , Netherlands , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden .
In 2016 the CMPF will implement a refined version of the MPM on all 28 EU Member States and two Candidates countries, namely Montenegro and Turkey.
Tags: EU Member States Media pluralism Austria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Finland Germany Ireland Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Spain