face to face training

R is a free open-source statistical computing language that will save you time whether you’re scraping, querying, analysing or presenting your data.

How to use R & RStudio for your investigations

To begin we’ll take a tour around RStudio, import some data and learn some basic functions for getting to grips with our datasets.

We’ll then start using R for some data wrangling and learn how to sort, filter, join and carry out other functions in R that will allow you to identify trends in the data for storytelling.

Why R?

Timo Grossenbacher, Programmer / Reporter for SRF Data, the data journalism unit of Swiss Radio & TV, based in Zurich, discusses Why Journalists Should Start Using R

Technical Requirements

You will need a laptop to attend this course. Instructions will be sent as to what you’ll need downloaded closer to the time.

Date, timetable and fees are available here.

Tags: Journalism education Data journalism
Start Date: 21/04/2018
End Date: 22/04/2018
Publisher: Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ)