online training

This free online course provided by Newcastle University provides the knowledge to understand key topics in cyber security. The course introduces to some of the current key topics in cyber security research and shows how they relate to everyday life. Among the topics covered: 

  1. Privacy online: What is privacy? Common beliefs and practices when it comes to giving out data online. What is the value of personal data to businesses? And how to find out what personal information of ours is readily available online?
  2. Payment safety: How secure are online transactions? All of the different methods of payment cash, credit/debit card, cheque and bitcoin are a trade-off between security and convenience. The constantly evolving race between the payment fraud and the security measures employed to prevent fraud.
  3. Security at home: With increasing numbers of autonomous, internet-enabled devices in our homes and cars, on our wrists and in our clothes, how could they be misused? And what can we do about understanding and responding to the risks and threats?

The course is presented by researchers and practitioners from Newcastle University’s School of Computing Science , an acknowledged Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR) .

The course is suitable for people who have some knowledge of cyber security, some IT background and an interest in finding out the state of practice in cyber security as well as future research directions.

Tags: Digital rights Digital safety Privacy Big data
Start Date: 18/09/2017
End Date: 05/10/2017