Apply by 20 August for an individual study tour for journalists from Central and Eastern Europe on climate and energy policies and their impacts. Each tour has its own distinct theme – local action, green innovation or structural transformation – and takes place in a different area of Germany.
Participation is free of charge.
TOUR 1 – 12 to 14 September 2017
Local climate action – climate policy and energy transition from a bottom-up perspective
TOUR 2 – 10 to 12 October 2017
Green innovations boosting the low-emission economy
TOUR 3 – 3 to 5 November 2017 (just before COP23 in Bonn)
Climate policy and Energy transition as an opportunity for structural change and rural areas
Please note: All application documents need to be submitted before 20 August 2017. Journalists meeting the eligibility criteria may apply for a maximum of two study tours.
Successful candidates will be contacted by 25 August 2017 and provided with a detailed preliminary agenda for the respective study tour.
Tags: Journalism education