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Search for "freedom_of_expression" returned 143 matches

Slovenia: MFRR dismayed by Prime Minister Janša’s denigrating tweet - Article

MFRR partners call on Prime Minister Janez Janša to cease denigrating Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, and her recent memorandum on freedom of expression and media freedom in Slovenia

Country factsheet: Hungary - Article

In 2020, a number of threats to media pluralism and transparency have continued to further marginalise and threaten media freedom across Hungary. Due to the expansion of pro-Government outlets and the weaponisation of government advertising, most Hungarian citizens receive news only from pro-government outlets. With this kind of control, there is no need to directly attack critical journalists, as they are excluded from the media market. Moreover, the coronavirus crisis had arguably the biggest effect on media freedom

Global Conference for Media Freedom 2020: CSOs call on States for concrete actions - Article

On November 16, the Advisory Network to the Media Freedom Coalition, a group of 17 national, regional and international organisations, delivered a statement at the ministerial meeting of the 2020 Global Conference for Media Freedom, asking for protection and support and respect for journalists and media workers

Albania: an explosion in front of a journalist's home - Article

In the middle of the night, on 30 October, explosives detonated at the entrance of Elidon Ndreka's home. International organisations call for quick investigations

Time to take action against SLAPPs - Article

Dunja Mijatović, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, signs a comment about strategic lawsuits against public participation, calling them "a significant and growing threat to the right to freedom of expression"

Montenegro: Jovo Martinovic sentenced by the High Court to one year in prison for drug trafficking - Article

MFRR partners and media freedom organisations condemn the verdict and the entire proceedings. Beyond the violation of Martinovic’s human rights, his prosecution and conviction contribute to a chilling effect on media freedom in Montenegro 

International coalition starts Turkey press freedom mission - Article

Representatives of 11 organisations, led by the International Press Institute, will meet key stakeholders in Istanbul and Ankara from 6 to 9 October

Does Montenegro choose the European Union or jailing a top journalist? - Article

On 8 October 2020, the verdict in the retrial of the Montenegrin journalist Jovo Martinović will be pronounced. Ahead of the decision, we, the undersigned organisations, call on the High Court of Montenegro to take full account of the overwhelming evidence of the reporter’s innocence and acquit him

Slovenia: OBCT joins IPI's statement condemning brazen use of SLAPP - Article

We believe it is abundantly clear that the number and nature of the spurious defamation lawsuits against Necenzurirano are not aimed at achieving justice, but instead at silencing the outlet by forcing its journalists to fight time-consuming and costly legal battles, draining them financially and discouraging them from further reporting

Bulgaria: police violence and public restrictions for journalists - Article

We co-signed a letter that the International Press Institute has sent to the Bulgarian authorities to express the concern of the consortium Media Freedom Rapid Response about restrictions and violations of media freedom