28 results
In this short video, released on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, a collection of stories of threatened female journalists. Impunity and safety of female journalists is a top priority in the fight for freedom of the media
Polish journalists Wojciech Dorosz and Marcin Majchrowski were dismissed in December 2016 from Polish Radio for "disciplinary reasons". Both have been reintegrated following a decision of a labour court. According to Dorota Glowacka (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights) this case represents a hope for other public media journalists in Poland
Media freedom in Europe is severely threatened. In Italy, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, but also in the UK and France, this core element of democracy is under threat. Experts, journalists, activists from all over Europe present their point of views
Vesselin Dimitrov, journalist and media consultant from Bulgaria, gives a TEDx Talk in which he explains the media landscape in Bulgaria, its problems and how citizens can support media freedom and quality journalism
Why should we care about press freedom? A short video released by UNESCO on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day 2013
This short video presents the contribution of Arman Fazlić of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Journalists’ Association to the panel "Media and journalism in the WB6: a very European issue" held in Trieste in the context of the Civil Society Forum (July 10-12, 2017)
This short video presents the contribution of Bardhyl Jashari, director of Metamorphosis Macedonia, in the panel "Media and journalism in the WB6: a very European issue" held in Trieste in the context of the Civil Society Forum (July 10-12, 2017)
This short video presents the contribution of Dragana Obradović of BIRN Serbia, in the panel "Media and journalism in the WB6: a very European issue" held in Trieste in the context of the Civil Society Forum (July 10-12, 2017)
This short video presents the contribution of Dragan Janjić of Beta News Agency Serbia - in the panel "Media and journalism in the WB6: a very European issue" held in Trieste in the context of the Civil Society Forum (July 10-12, 2017)
This short video presents the contribution by Nenad Šebek, director of the Belgrade Office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - in the panel "Media and journalism in the WB6: a very European issue" held in Trieste in the context of the Civil Society Forum (July 10-12, 2017)