
208 results

News Media Europe - Stakeholders

News Media Europe represents the interests of publishers of newspapers and news media on all platforms.

News Media Europe includes members from Belgium (Flanders), Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. The associations from Hungary, Lithuania and Romania have an associated membership.

International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) - Stakeholders

Established in the aftermath of World War II, IAWRT is a global network of women communicators and researchers. With 14 chapters across the world and members in 54 countries, it strives to meet the urgent global challenges faced by women in and around the media.

Through regional and international conferences, projects, training activities and publications, IAWRT is committed to the enhancement of women’s role and participation in media.

Vita Activa - Stakeholders

Vita Activa works as a helpline and a solutions laboratory for women journalists, activists and women’s rights defenders who are facing online violence and want to change the ways they face and combat perpetrators and attacks. Responders trained in psychological first aid, conflict resolution and strategic thinking work with women journalists who have faced harassment to build solutions tailored to their cases.

Vita Activa also provides practical support for women and LGBTIQ+ journalists, activists and gender, land and labor rights, and freedom of expression defenders.

Human Rights Centre - Stakeholders

The Human Rights Centre at the Faculty of Law and Criminology at Ghent University is an academic centre specialized in human rights law.

With a dynamic international team, counting many young researchers, the Centre has broad research and teaching expertise, covering international, regional, national and comparative law of human rights.

Human Rights Centre members work on a range of thematic issues, including legal pluralism, freedom of expression, gender, indigenous peoples’ rights, and the European Court of Human Rights. Members also actively engage with human rights practice by supervising clinical projects and submitting third-party interventions to the European Court of Human Rights.

Frontline Freelance Register - Stakeholders

The Frontline Freelance Register (FFR) is a representative body for freelance journalists, created for and run by freelancers. Founded on 7 June 2013, FFR is a member-driven ring-fenced initiative of the Frontline Club Charitable Trust.

The aim is to provide members with representation and a sense of community.

A community, a resource and a cause for freelancers, by freelancers.

Membership is open to all freelance journalists who are exposed to risk while working in foreign environments and who commit to the FFR Code of Conduct .

Digital Women Leaders - Stakeholders

Digital Women Leaders is for women and non-gender binary people working in news who are looking for advice from someone who understands their experience. Trying to survive motherhood and a leadership role? Feeling isolated from higher-ups? Want to talk to someone else who knows what it's like to be the minority in the room? Digital Women Leaders facilitate conversations with knowledgeable, understanding mentors who might otherwise be hard to find.

Prenons la Une - Stakeholders

Prenons la Une is an association of women journalists advocating for fair representation of women in the media and professional equality in newsrooms. The network provides support to women facing discrimination and harassment. The association provides training for women journalists and journalism students, offers legal support to journalists victims of harassment inside their newsrooms and organises events. It also realises investigations for a better representation of women in the media.

Freelance Journalism Assembly - Stakeholders

Freelance journalists from all across the world came together for the Freelance journalism empowerment conference 2021 to gain new skills, create meaningful connections and celebrate the power of the community to make a difference.

The Assembly is a free programme offering online events, pitching and safety sessions, pitching rounds, resources and a community matchmaker.

It is a project by the European Journalism Centre (EJC) with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The website offers access to several resources, such as online training sessions designed to build skills and provide the members of the Assembly with practical tools, one-on-one mentorship activities and online unconferences, i.e. participant-driven meetings where freelancers can connect and exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas.

European Court of Auditors - Stakeholders

The European Court of Auditors (ECA) is the Union's external auditor. Through its audit work, the Court assesses the economy, effectiveness, efficiency, legality and regularity of EU action to improve accountability, transparency and financial management, thereby enhancing citizens’ trust.

The ECA publishes the results of its audit work in a variety of reports – annual reports, specific annual reports and special reports – depending on the type of audit. Other published products include opinions and review-based publications.

Media4Democracy - Stakeholders

Media4Democracy is an EU-funded Technical Assistance Facility strengthening the European Union Delegations’ ability to implement the EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression Online and Offline.

Its mission is to support the EU Delegations’ broad and coherent implementation of the EU Guidelines on Freedom of Expression and to help them to identify, design and implement appropriate near-, medium- and long-term actions.

Media4Democracy is based in Brussels and provides advocacy support and capacity building services to all EU Delegations (EUDs) worldwide, as well as customised technical support to individual EU Delegations.