Search for "SERBIA" returned 103 matches

Albania: urgent measures needed to safeguard journalists - Article

OBCT condemns recent attacks against journalists in Albania and calls on authorities to ensure press freedom in the country

Also available in ITA

Slavko Ćuruvija: Cycle of impunity for killing of journalists in Serbia must be broken - Article

Partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and the SafeJournalists Network (SJN) renew their call for justice for the assassination of Serbian journalist Slavko Ćuruvija to finally be secured and the cycle of impunity for the killings of journalists in Serbia to be broken

Mapping Media Freedom Monitoring Report 2022 - Reports

The 2021 Monitoring Report offers an overview of media freedom violations in the EU and candidate countries from January to December 2022. It addresses in particular four major developments: the war in Ukraine; the abuse of legal actions to silence legitimate public journalism; the rise in online attacks and environmental reporting.

Media Pluralism Monitor final conference 2022 - Article

The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom presents the results of the 2022 Media Pluralism Monitor, the yearly study that assesses the health of media pluralism in the EU27, Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey

Hungarian Capital in Foreign Media. Three Strategic Models of Influencing the Neighbourhood - Reports

The International Press Institute (IPI) published a new report written by regional media experts and investigative journalists on the investment of Hungarian capital in foreign media and the implications for the spread of Viktor Orbán’s “illiberal” model of media control

Women in newsrooms: perspectives on equity, diversity and resilience - Reports

Looking at the Western Balkans, this report highlights the trends, opportunities and obstacles, identified through the sharing of experiences and perspectives by women working in the media, to paint a more nuanced and complex picture of women’s role in newsrooms, news-making and regional societies more broadly

CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism - Article

The focus 2021 of the Award is Covid-19. One virus, many stories: investigative reporting on the socio-economic impact of the global pandemic

A whistleblower at the United Nations: an open letter to protect her - Article

OBCT co-signed the letter by Transparency International Macedonia to United Nations Secretary-General Guterres: we demand protection for the whistleblower Emma Reilly who received the communication that her protected whistleblower status had been removed

Media Pluralism Monitor 2021 - Monitoring tool

The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom at the European University Institute has released the Media Pluralism Monitor 2021, a tool to assess threats to media pluralism in Europe. This report confirms the findings of the previous one, showing that no country is free from risks to media pluralism

Call for Applications for Training in Podcasting - Training

Reporters, editors and producers from six Western Balkans countries are invited to apply for a training in investigative podcasts led by prominent international trainers who produce podcasts for the Reveal and Bellingcat investigative journalism websites. Deadline 14 March 2021