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Search for "big_data" returned 17 matches

Digital rights in Russia 2017 - Reports

An analysis by Article 19 on the deterioration of freedom of expression online in Russia

Unfriending Censorship: Insights from four months of crowdsourced data on social media censorship - Reports released a report about how social media companies moderate content. The authors describes information collected over a period of four months, between November 19, 2015 and March 10, 2016

Filtering, blocking and take-down of illegal content on the Internet - Reports

A comparative study on filtering, blocking and take-down of illegal content on the Internet in the Council of Europe member states

Backgrounds, Experiences and Responses to Online Hate Speech: A Comparative Cross-Country Analysis - Reports

With funding from the EU's Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme, a recent report by the PRISM project has empirically investigated online hate speech in France, Italy, Romania, Spain and the UK

Freedom House – Turkey Country report 2015 - Reports

Freedom House yearly report on press freedom in Turkey provides a synthetic overview of media freedom in the country during 2014, highlighting main trends and developments

Freedom on the net 2014 - Reports

The report Freedom of the net 2014, by Freedom House, reveals how internet freedom around the world has declined for the fourth consecutive year, with a growing number of countries introducing online censorship and monitoring practices

Influence on the media: Owners, politicians and advertisers - Reports

This report, published by the Conrad Adenauer Stiftung in Bulgarian, German and English, focuses on relationships of dependence in the Bulgarian media landscape