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Italy: Prosecutor issues seizure order for article published by newspaper Domani - Article

Italian press freedom is seriously threatened by yet another attempt by a member of the current government to silence independent journalism

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Whistleblowing in Italy: a conference - Article

Whistleblowing is a phenomenon that touches different worlds: from psychology to the media, from trade unions to civil society, from the role of the individual to the political responsibilities of the state. OBCT will participate in a panel of the conference dedicated to SLAPPs

Italy: Newspaper Domani sued for defamation by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni - Article

At the conclusion of the preliminary hearing in the proceedings for aggravated defamation initiated by current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni against Emiliano Fittipaldi and Stefano Feltri, respectively correspondent and editor of the daily national newspaper “Domani”, we call on Prime Minister Meloni to withdraw the defamation lawsuit and to initiate a reform process targeting defamation laws in the country

Italy: a call in support of Roberto Saviano, defendant in a defamation trial - Article

At the conclusion of the first hearing in the proceedings for aggravated defamation initiated by current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni against Roberto Saviano in 2021, we express our solidarity with the Italian journalist for his commitment to the public interest

Italy: Concern about prosecutor’s demand for prison sentence for three journalists in response to their factual reporting - Article

Media freedom groups raise concern over Lecce’s prosecutor request that three journalists be jailed for six months in connection with their reporting about a labour lawsuit involving a former government minister. No journalist should face nor fear prison sentences for having published information in the public interest

Call for Italian political forces to take a stand against SLAPPs, a ‘slap’ in the face of freedom of information - Article

The right of citizens to be informed about matters of public interest and of journalists to write freely about them cannot and must not be hindered by SLAPPs. Civil society's appeal to the future parliament to promote measures to contrast strategic lawsuits

Italy: Concern after authorities search Report editorial office and home of journalist - Article

The partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today express serious concern over the searches carried out by police at the offices of Rai 3’s investigative programme ‘Report’ and the home of investigative journalist Paolo Mondani. We urge the Italian Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate (DIA) to provide assurances that the confidentiality of journalists’ sources will not be jeapardised and to reaffirm its respect for the principles of press freedom

Who is afraid of journalists? The MFRR Italy Mission Report - Article

The collection of findings and recommendations by the partners of the MFRR, in a booklet curated by OBCT.

Following the MFRR Italy Mission from 4 to 6 April, coordinated by OBCT, the conclusions about SLAPP, defamation and safety of journalists are published here

Italy: Journalists face fresh violence covering ‘green pass’ protests - Article

The undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) are highly concerned about yet another series of violent attacks and threats to journalists and media workers covering protests against the government’s pandemic-related measures across Italy

Italy: Access to information law should not override protection of journalistic sources - Article

On 18 June 2021, the Administrative Court of Lazio (TAR Lazio) ordered the Italian Media Public Broadcaster (RAI) to release documents held by TV Program Report following an access to information request