Search data_journalism

Search for "data_journalism" returned 28 matches

First Report of the Interdepartmental Group on the Security of Ireland's Electoral Process and Disinformation - Reports

A report by the Irish Government about the security of elections and referendum in relation with disinformation

Personal Data and Political Influence in Italy - Reports

As part of a larger effort by Tactical Tech on The Influence Industry, Fabio Chiusi and Claudio Agosti wrote a report about the role played by data in political campaigns in the run-up to the 2018 elections in Italy

The Oxygen of Amplification - Reports

The report, written by digital media scholar Whitney Phillips for Data&Society, shows how the far-right manipulated the media in 2016, discusses the relation between reporting and amplifying extremist ideology and suggests some tips to journalists on when and how to cover online harassment campaigns and manipulations

Developing a disinformation detection system and sourcing it live – The case study of the 2018 Italian elections - Reports

EU DisinfoLab developed a system for monitoring disinformation based on an identified ecosystem rather than on a series of keywords. They tested it on the 2018 Italian general elections

Internet and electoral campaigns - Reports

Rules on electoral campaigning were written for traditional media. This report examines how the shift to digital media affects the effectiveness of these rules and suggests updates

Why Does Junk News Spread So Quickly Across Social Media? - Reports

This white paper by the Knight Foundation explores the spread of junk news around the world by examining the relationship between social media and democracy and by discussing the role of algorithms, advertisements and selective exposure in filtering and delivering content

Self-regulation and “hate speech” on social media platforms - Reports

An Article 19 proposal on how to protect freedom of expression and human rights in digital environments

Online Harassment of Journalists in Hungary - Forms, Coping Mechanisms and Consequences for Press Freedom - Reports

Online abuse is a daily issue for journalists. The International Press Institute interviewed media workers in Hungary about their experience with online harassment

The Platform Press: how Silicon Valley reengineered journalism - Reports

A report on the influence of social media platforms and technology companies on American journalism highlights the clashes and trade-offs between growth, autonomy, and quality for the profession worldwide

Talking to Ourselves? Political Debate Online and the Echo Chamber Effect - Reports

This report by Demos analysed Twitter data from 2,000 users who openly expressed their support for one of four political parties in the United Kingdom, finding similar patterns between supporters of different political parties