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Search for "economic_pressure" returned 26 matches

Freedom House – Poland Country Report 2017 - Reports

Freedom House's yearly report on press freedom in Poland provides an overview of media freedom in the country during 2016, highlighting main trends and developments

Montenegro: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2017 - Reports

In Montenegro Journalism remains a battleground, with deep divisions rooted in commercial and political problems. Few of Montenegro’s 73 media outlets distance themselves from political polarization

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights' report on freedom of expression and media freedom in Turkey - Reports

Council of Europe Commissioner raises concerns about the serious deterioration of media freedom and freedom of expression for journalists, media outlets, academics and the Turkish society as a whole, especially after the attempted coup of July 15, 2016

Kosovo: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety - Reports

Working conditions, legal protection and overall safety of journalists in Kosovo are the focus of this report drafted by the Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Serbia: Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety - Reports

Supported by European Union, the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia has produced a report which intends to measure the level of media freedom throughout three main indicators

Montenegro - Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Reports

The 2016 report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) also deals with the case of Montenegro

Journalists and media in Ukraine after Euromaidan - Reports

Reporters without Borders assessment of Ukrainian media landscape after Euromaidan revolution

Eroding Freedoms: Media and Soft Censorship in Montenegro - Reports

This report published by WAN-IFRA, the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), and the Montenegrin Centre for Civic Education (CCE) focuses on the impact of soft-censorship in quickening an already serious decline in media independence in Montenegro 

Captured News Media: The Case of Turkey - Reports

The research commissioned by the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) is a case study of the media capture phenomenon in Turkey. It gives a historical overview of how the phenomenon has unfolded, which strategies political elites have employed to capture the media, and the overall results and effects on society

Increasing pressure on press: Democracy in question in Turkey - BìA July-September 2015 media observation report - Reports

BIA July-August-September 2015 Media Monitoring Report indicates that criminalization towards journalists and media in Turkey have become more widespread after a peace process was "put into cold storage"