Search legal_protection

Search for "legal_protection" returned 14 matches

Rule of Law Reports - Protecting media pluralism and independence? - HTML5 video

Within the context of the 2023 MFRR Summit dedicated to “Press Freedom on the Line” - which took place from the 29 to the 31 of March, this panel discussed the potential of the Rule of Law (RoL) mechanism by looking at the experience of transnational coalitions employing the RoL report for Europe-wide advocacy work. It addressed the following key questions: How can European mechanisms such as the Rule of Law (RoL) report contribute to strengthening the protection of independent journalism across Europe? To what extent does it help foster an open and informed debate in member countries?

Croatia, the new media bill is dangerous - Article

“I don't know who wrote this bill, but I suspect that the main intention was to divide the Croatian media, creating havoc in the sector”, said Hrvoje Zovko, the president of the Association of Croatian Journalists (HND). We met him in Zagreb

By Giovanni Vale

Originally pubblished by OBCT. Also available in ITA and BHS

Media freedom groups call for Klan Kosovo business certificate issue to be resolved - Article

OBCT joins international media freedom organisations and journalist groups in urging the complaint committee to promptly repeal the suspension of Klan Kosova's business certificate

2023 Rule of Law Report - Reports

The 2023 Rule of Law report monitors the main developments in the rule of law that occurred over the past year in the European Union and its 27 member states