Search media against hate

Search for "media against hate" returned 62 matches

How are courts responding to SLAPPs? Analysis of selected court decisions from across the globe - Reports

This study analyses the threats deriving from vexatious lawsuits against journalists, civil society, and human rights defenders, and highlights the role of courts in providing protection against SLAPPs in contexts that lack dedicated legislation

The “misuse” of the judicial system to attack freedom of expression: trends, challenges and responses - Reports

The current UNESCO brief explores a number of legal tools which are employed to curb freedom of expression around the world, such as criminal defamation offences; defamation as civil wrong; SLAPPs

25th Anniversary of the Mandate of the OSCE Representative on Freedom on the Media – Can there be security without media freedom? - Reports

“Can there be security without media freedom?'' is a report published by the office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom on the Media. The scope of this document is to analyse the impact of technology on the media ecosystem and the challenges to overcome. The report formulates a list of recommendations directed to strengthening media freedom, human rights, democracy, and security in the years to come

The Global Expression Report 2021 - Reports

The Global Expression Report is ARTICLE 19’s most comprehensive, data-based report that tracks freedom of  expression across the world

Building Trust in Journalism - Bulgaria - Reports

Part of the ‘Building Trust in Journalism in CEE’ project, this report provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities that media are facing in Bulgaria

A gathering storm: the laws being used to silence the media - Reports

A review by Index on Censorship of how laws are being used in Europe to bring actions against journalists

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020

“We are Amaya”. Advocacy for Academic Freedom - Reports

A detailed description of the activities carried out during the 2019 edition of the Seminar Series on Advocacy for Academic Freedom, held for three months at the University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research, in collaboration with Scholars At Risk (SAR). The seminar was a first national experiment for Italy

ARTICLE 19 comments on new Italian regulation on ‘hate speech’ - Reports

Some improvements, but also lack of compliance with the international framework: a mixed judgment by ARTICLE 19 welcomes the new AGCOM Regulation in Italy, while hate speech remains a great concern in the country

Newsroom Best Practices for Addressing Online Violence against Journalists - Reports

Interviews and visits in 45 newsrooms in 5 countries about online harassment of women: based on data collected in cooperation with the Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), this study examines the protection of female journalists as part of a broader analysis of newsroom strategies to counter online attacks and harassment on all journalists