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Search for "online news online media" returned 21 matches

Inquiry into Fake News - Reports

This report has been submitted to the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee of the UK Parliament. It analyzes the “fake news” phenomenon by considering the role of the government and technology and the market in the solution of the problem

Latvia - Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Reports

A report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) on risks for media pluralism in Latvia, with policy recommendations

Bulgaria: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2017 - Reports

IREX’s study shows that the decade of EU membership has been disappointing for development of the media market in Bulgaria

Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in the Western Balkans - Reports

Recently established "Regional platform for media freedom in the Western Balkans" warns about the increased use of physical violence as a tool of intimidation against journalists

Montenegro - Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Reports

The 2016 report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) also deals with the case of Montenegro

Freedom of Expression, Media and Information in Kosovo - Reports

An assessment based on Council of Europe indicators for media in a democracy

Macedonia in the digital age – between the rights and responsibilities while communicating on Internet - Reports

An overview of the legal framework, the implementation and the role of the self-regulatory mechanisms in the sphere of online media and communications in Macedonia

Eastern Partnership Media Freedom Landscape 2014 - Reports

The report is based on close monitoring of media freedom in the 6 countries of the Eastern Partnership during the period 2013-2015

Media ownership in Bulgaria: state of play and challenges - Reports

The blurred picture of Bulgarian media ownership restricts citizens’ right to information. A study by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)

Mapping Digital Media: the Czech Republic - Reports

A report by the Open Society Foundation that shows how digital changes affect the media system and democratic services in the Czech Republic