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Independent Newspapers v. Ireland: €1.25 million defamation award against newspaper violated Article 10 - Legal Resources

High damages for defamation have a “chilling effect" on freedom of expression, thus require the “most careful scrutiny” and “very strong justification”. A ECtHR landmark judgment against against abuse of defamation law

Freedom of expression: the crucial role of Strasbourg - Legal Resources

In Strasbourg on March 24th, judges, journalists, lawyers and activists discussed the challenges facing the protection of free expression in Europe

Orloskaya iskra v. Russia: Reporting in media during election campaign must be free from content restrictions - Legal Resources

Is it legitimate to restrict freedom of expression in time of elections? Can political journalism be hindered by electoral laws? ECtHR examined the question in this case, concluding in favor of freedom of the media

ECtHR ruling in Delfi and MTE cases: More Questions Than Answers - Legal Resources

The role of online news portals as intermediaries and their liability for user-generated content has been at the centre of two recent ECtHR cases (DELFI and MTE). Divergent outcomes leave room for many questions

ECtHR: Conviction of journalists for an interview using a hidden camera infringed their freedom of expression - Legal Resources

After a lengthy legal fight, Swiss journalists obtained a positive ruling from the European Court of Human Rights, determining that their conviction for using a hidden camera in the case of insurance broker malpractice violated their rights

Court rules online news sites are not liable for offensive readers’ comments - Legal Resources

In the MTE case, the ECHR tested the principles set forth in the controversial Grand Chamber’s Delfi case concerning the notion of liability of news portals for readers' comment