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Search for "transparency" returned 23 matches

Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CILD) - Stakeholders

Founded in 2014, the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (Coalizione Italiana Libertà e Diritti Civili, CILD) is a network of civil society organizations that protect and expand the rights and liberties of all, through a combination of advocacy, public education and legal action (further details on practical support here).

Their work focuses on racism and xenophobia, migrations, Italian penal and penitentiary systems, privacy and surveillance, transparency and access to public information.  

King’s College London’s Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power - Stakeholders

Based in the Policy Institute at King’s College London, the King’s College London’s Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power  explores how news provision, political communication, public discourse, civic engagement and media power are changing in the digital age. It does this through rigorous empirical research, and communication of the findings of this research to inform relevant academic and public policy debates and civic society responses, in order to help promote diversity, fairness, transparency and accountability in media and communication.

The Centre has developed from the foundations of the Media Standards Trust, an independent think tank that has been conducting research on issues of media and public policy since 2006, and has been based at the Policy Institute at King’s since September 2013.

The Centre is advised by a range of senior figures from the media and civil society. 

Share Foundation - Stakeholders

The Share Foundation is an international NGO based in Belgrade (Serbia) focusing its activities on Internet and digital media as fundamental elements for achieving democratic change in society, as a tool for improvement of government accountability and transparency, and socioeconomic empowerment of citizens.

SHARE Defense is part of the Share Foundation and its goal is to fight for the public interest concerning digital rights within the fields of privacy, free speech, government transparency and efficiency, surveillance and human rights. SHARE Defense staff includes lawyers, analysts, journalists and technicians with an expertise in the protection of digital rights.

Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) - Stakeholders

The Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organisation founded by the Danish School of Journalism, USAID/IREX Pro Media and the Macedonian Press Centre in 2001. The Institute has gradually grown into a massive media platform in Macedonia, encompassing into its professional network the bulk of the media outlets in the country. MIM enables free and easy access to media literature, up-to-date resources for professional development and education, media research and analyses as well as opportunities for joint production. The Institute is a founder of the School of Journalism and Public Relations, an educational institution accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science, offering graduate and postgraduate studies in journalism and communication sciences.


MIM is committed to building a democratic society dominated by professional media, transparent and accountable institutions and civil sector which provides the citizens with sufficient and reliable information for making an informed decision on issues relevant to the society.


The mission of the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) is to encourage and continuously support the development of professional standards in journalism, media and public communication, aiming to support the improvement of the democratic processes in the Republic Macedonia.

European Audiovisual Observatory - Stakeholders

The European Audiovisual Observatory is a public service organisation, part of the Council of Europe.

The Observatory was created in 1992 to collect and distribute information about the audiovisual industries in Europe, with the aim to promote greater transparency. The work of the Observatory focuses on the following fields: Film, Broadcasting, Home video, On-demand audiovisual services and Public policy on the audiovisual sector. The Observatory provides information from an economic and legal point of view on audiovisual markets in Europe and their financing. It also analyses and reports on the legal issues affecting the different sectors of the audiovisual industry.

The Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory (IRIS) reports monthly on the most important legal developments for the audiovisual industry in 39 European countries.

The Observatory also provides access to free on-line databases, such as AVMS Database on the transposition of the AVMS directive into national legislation, IRIS Merlin on legal information on the audiovisual sector in Europe, KORDA on funding for film and audiovisual works, Lumiere on admissions of films released in Europe and MAVISE on TV services in Europe.

Global Forum for Media Development - Stakeholders

The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) is an international membership network of media assistance groups that highlights the importance of independent, pluralistic and sustainable media in social and economic development.

GFMD members share the common goal to foster free, professional and pluralistic media, leading to more open societies, greater transparency and enhanced freedom of expression by means of advocacy work, coordination, information sharing and research.

Deutsche Welle Akademie - Stakeholders

DW Akademie is the media development branch of Deutsche Welle. DW Akademie supports the development of free and transparent media, and quality journalism by offering programs to boost media skills.
Moreover, produces reports and analyses on media developement to foster debate among research, NGOs and government bodies. - Stakeholders, a non-profit organisation, is dedicated to advancing investigative and independent journalism across Europe. It ultimately serves the public interest, furthers accountability as well as transparency, and contributes to critical thinking and well-informed debate. provides practical support for journalists. 

European Commission - Stakeholders

The European Commission plays an active role in supporting freedom and pluralism of media inside EU Member states, in the Enlargement countries and in its external relations.

The DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG Connect) manages the EU Digital Agenda promoting transparency, freedom and diversity in Europe's media landscape. On the DG Connect web page dedicated to media freedom and pluralism you can find several acts, documents and studies on the subject.

The DG Enlargement (DG NEAR) incorporates media freedom and pluralism as principles in the Enlargement negotiation. The European Commission's annual strategy on EU enlargement highlights freedom of expression and media as one of the most important challenges for the countries aspiring to EU membership. Important events sanctioning this commitment are the SpeakUp! Conferences on freedom of expression in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - Stakeholders

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation based in Germany, acting as a think-tank and consulting agency. Its overall aim is to support the consolidationof democracy, the unification of Europe and the strengthening of transatlantic relations, as well as of development cooperation.

KAS Media Program South East Europe was established to strengthen the role of the media in the course of democratization and transformation - through advanced training, consultancy, dialogue and network building.

KAS BalkanMedia online platform presenting content of regional networks that are encouraging media freedom and diversity in South East Europe, as well as modern and transparent political communication.