Search trust_in_media

Search for "trust_in_media" returned 18 matches

Media Literacy and Education Needs of Journalists and the Public in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia - Reports

A regional report providing an up-to-date, comparative environmental analysis of journalism education and media literacy programs available in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

Digital Sustainability - Needs of Online Local Media in Serbia and Croatia - Reports

A research about the state and needs of local digital media in Serbia and Croatia points out that scarcity of financial resources and recurring threats against journalists represent the main challenges

The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in the Western Balkans: The Need for a New paradigm - Reports

Public Service Broadcasters (PSB) in the countries of the Western Balkans are in crisis. At stake is the very legitimacy of public service broadcasting in the region.

Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge - Reports

The Guide “Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge” by Share Foundation assesses the conditions of online media and journalists in the Serbian digital environment

A difficult profession. Media freedom under attack in the Western Balkans - Reports

A 2015 Human Rights Watch report documents the hostile environment in which journalists work in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia

A needs assessment of the Media Councils in South East Europe - Reports

This report commissioned by UNESCO and funded by the EU is the first comprehensive regional study on journalism's self-regulatory bodies aims to strengthen their functioning and the overall media accountability in South East Europe

Building a safety net for European journalists - Reports

Needs and problems experienced by journalists in 11 European countries are the focus of these report curated by Eugenia Siapera 

Professional journalism and self-regulation. New media, old dilemmas in South East Europe and Turkey - Reports

This UNESCO report provides an important insight into the evolution, current status and challenges of the effective implementation of media self-regulation systems in South East Europe and Turkey