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Search for "united_kingdom" returned 29 matches

Council of Europe Recommendation on media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy - Reports

The Council of Europe has issued guidelines to its 47 member states in order to promote media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy

Internet and electoral campaigns - Reports

Rules on electoral campaigning were written for traditional media. This report examines how the shift to digital media affects the effectiveness of these rules and suggests updates

Measuring the reach of “fake news” and online disinformation in Europe - Reports

This fact sheet by RISJ provides top level usage statistics for the most popular sites that independent fact-checkers and other observers have identified as publishers of false news and online disinformation in two European countries: France and Italy

Journalism and media privilege - Reports

An overview of the most recent rules, case law, and policies across Europe on the privileges given to journalists when exercising their functions

Media coverage of elections: the legal framework in Europe - Reports

The European Audiovisual Observatory examines the regulation of broadcast, print and online media during elections in different Council of Europe member states

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2017 - Reports

The 2017 edition of the Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute, the most comprehensive ongoing comparative study of news consumption in the world, focuses on the issues of trust in the era of fake news, changing business models and the role of platforms

Freelancers: instruments and victims of deregulated working conditions - Reports

For a growing number of journalists in Europe, atypical is the new typical and precarious employment is becoming the norm

The Panama Papers and the importance of protecting whistleblowers - Reports

A study assessing the impact of the schemes revealed by the Panama Papers makes several recommendations, including for the EU to introduce measures for the protection of whistleblowers

Digital-Born News Media in Europe - Reports

Strategies, challenges and specificities of digital-born news media in Europe are in focus in this report by the Reuters Institute for Journalism

Paying for Online News. A comparative analysis of six countries - Academic Sources

What are the factors influencing the people's willingness to pay for online news content? Data indicate that other kinds of news consumption matter in this respect