Search violence_against_journalists

Search for "violence_against_journalists" returned 26 matches

Freedom and the Media: a Downward Spiral - Reports

The Freedom in the World report shows that free press is declining around the world and that this threatens the status of democracy. Freedom of the Media is under attack not only in historically Not Free countries, but also in some of the most influential Free democracies in the world

New digital threats to media pluralism in the information age - Reports

The increasing concentration of resources and the spreading of disinformation threaten quality information and media pluralism online. This essay, belonging to the Working Paper Series on 'Freedom and Pluralism of the Media, Society and Markets', focuses on economic, quality, and social threats, with the goal of examining dangers to pluralistic, quality information and finding responses to preserve media pluralism and a professional process of information production

SERBIA - Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety 2018 - Reports

The aim of this report, produced within the regional project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety, is to find out “the level of media freedoms and journalists’ safety” in Serbia for the year 2017

World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development - Global Report 2017-2018 - Reports

A global report by UNESCO analyses the key trends in media freedom, media pluralism, media independence, and the safety of journalists at the global and regional level

Chronicle of Attacks and Pressures against Journalists in 2018 - Reports

An overview of the numerous kinds of pressure faced by journalists and media outlets in Serbia, published by the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia

Is there a chance for non-partisan journalism in Poland? - Reports

An in-depth overview of the changes occurred in Poland's media landscape after the collapse of communism in 1989

Macedonia: High Time to Protect Media Freedom - Reports

In a joint mission organized in April 2017 monitored the situation of press freedom and journalists' safety in Macedonia, against the background of a political crisis that worsened what could already be defined as a situation of media captured by political power

Media Landscapes 2017: Slovakia - Reports

In the last decade Slovakia media landscape has changed. In what direction is it moving? An updated picture drawn by the European Journalism Centre (EJC)

Freedom House's Freedom of the Press Report 2017 - Reports

The latest report by Freedom House portrays a grim outlook for media freedom and media workers across continents and political systems, with the US leading by (negative) example and the EU failing to enforce democratic standards, including with prospective Member States

Freedom House – Poland Country Report 2017 - Reports

Freedom House's yearly report on press freedom in Poland provides an overview of media freedom in the country during 2016, highlighting main trends and developments