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Youm7 seeks Arabic-speaking reporters in 25 countries - Opportunities

Egyptian newspaper Youm7 is looking for Arabic-speaking reporters 

Peace journalism handbook - Manuals

Bianet released a handbook on Peace-Journalism, proposing a professional model that is human rights-oriented, fair instead than “objective” and infused with feminist theory

German Press Council deals with coverage of refugee crisis and footage of murder - Legal Resources

Dealing with complaints about the coverage of the refugee crisis, the German Press Council legitimizes the use of emotional pictures if they serve the public interest by showing the result of war and the risky business with smuggling gangs

Guidelines for the application of the Rome Charter: A working tool for accurate media coverage on migration and asylum - Manuals

Media should cover migration-related issues in a thorough and nuanced way, based on solid facts. While the Rome Charter on the one hand suggests guidelines for Italian journalists when reporting on asylum seekers, refugees, victims and migrants, on the other hand this guide focuses on translating the principles affirmed in the code of conduct into practical guidance for journalists

Journalist Guide – Covering the News in a Dangerous and Changing World - Manuals

The Guide provides information and proposals to journalists reporting stories in potentially harmful environments or about critical issues