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Analyzing accessibility of Wikipedia projects around the world - Reports

The study “Analyzing accessibility of Wikipedia projects around the world” provides a comprehensive picture of censorship on Wikipedia, shading light on where, how and why is Wikipedia blocked around the world

UK media coverage of the 2016 EU Referendum Campaign - Reports

The King’s College London’s Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power provides the first study based on web articles. According to the collected data, the core messages of Leave campaign were better covered by online British media

Freelancers: instruments and victims of deregulated working conditions - Reports

For a growing number of journalists in Europe, atypical is the new typical and precarious employment is becoming the norm

Protecting Whistleblowers in Southeast Europe: a review of policies, cases and initiatives - Reports

Despite ongoing progress in protecting whistleblowers in Southeast Europe, much remains to be done to ensure that citizens and employees who report misconduct do not suffer retaliation

The Assault on Journalism - Reports

Drawing on the contributions to a UNESCO’s conference held in connection with World Press Freedom Day 2016, this Nordicom publication provides a thorough overview of worldwide research in the field of journalists’ safety

True Freedom of Information Remains Elusive in Italy - Legal Resources

After finally adopting a proper freedom of information act, Italy improved its right to information rating - but only in theory, as in practice there is still much to be done to ensure freedom of information

Hungary: State advertising in media, 2006-2016 Thursday 27 April 2017 - Infographic


  (This is an excerpt of a longer analysis, available in its entirety on Mérték Média Monitor) This analysis by Mérték Média Monitor reviews the trends in state advertising spending between 2006 ... Hungary: State advertising in media, 2006-2016 ... Hungary Media_funding Political_pressure ... Mérték Média Monitor analysed changes in state advertising between 2006-2016 in Hungarian media, highlighting long-term fluctuations which clearly reflect the political climate in the country ... Hungary: State advertising in media, 2006-2016

2017 World Press Freedom Index - Monitoring tool

The 2017 World Press Freedom Index shows that media freedom is increasingly at stake, not only in authoritarian countries

Media ownership patterns and concentration in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Wikipedia Item

A new section on media ownership patterns and concentration  has been created within the article "Media of Bosnia and Herzegovina". This is part of the series on "Concentration of media ownership in Europe" and will be followed by other country-specific items

Ólafsson v. Iceland: Should journalists always seek “appropriate legal advice” from now on? - Legal Resources

ECtHR judgment Ólafsson v. Iceland overall reinforces freedom of expression in Europe, yet it also features somewhat puzzling conclusions, inviting journalists to seek “appropriate legal advice” in a wide range of situations