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Search for "online news online media" returned 163 matches

Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in the Western Balkans - Reports

Recently established "Regional platform for media freedom in the Western Balkans" warns about the increased use of physical violence as a tool of intimidation against journalists

Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights 2016 - Books

A structured insight into the European Court of Human Rights’ case-law on freedom of expression and media and journalistic freedoms

Montenegro - Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Reports

The 2016 report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) also deals with the case of Montenegro

Freedom on the Net 2016 - Reports

Published in November 2016, the Freedom House report analyses major developments in the field of information dissemination, particularly during anti-governmental protests

Spain's 'gag laws' - Legal Resources

The 'gag laws', most popularly known as 'Ley Mordaza' or 'leys mordaza', have been found to systematically violate citizens' rights in Spain since their implementation last year. The organisation PDLI is following the situation closely and provides a guide on what the laws mean and what they have caused to journalists so far

The Impact of Media Freedom, Internet Access and Governmental Online Service Delivery on Corruption - Academic Sources

What's the impact that media freedom, internet access and governmental online service delivery have on corruption? A cross-national study uses secondary data for 157 countries to answer this question  

Freedom of Expression, Media and Information in Kosovo - Reports

An assessment based on Council of Europe indicators for media in a democracy

Austerity, solidarity, and alternative media practices in Greece - Reports

An analysis of the ways evolving communication practices on social media have shaped the nature and character of solidarity and cooperative initiatives in Greece over the last few years

Journalists and media in Ukraine after Euromaidan - Reports

Reporters without Borders assessment of Ukrainian media landscape after Euromaidan revolution

Court rules online news sites are not liable for offensive readers’ comments - Legal Resources

In the MTE case, the ECHR tested the principles set forth in the controversial Grand Chamber’s Delfi case concerning the notion of liability of news portals for readers' comment