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Search for "media_capture" returned 191 matches

Report It: an invitation to report violations and attacks to journalists - Article

The monitoring activity of the partners of Media Freedom Rapid Response is open to the contribution of anyone who is aware of attacks and violations. Please, take part and ReportIt!

Invitation to participate in our online survey - Article

The safety of journalists is at risk in too many countries, and protection systems are facing new challenges. OBCT invites journalists, media outlets and stakeholders to answer to relevant questions in order to outline the problems and the possible solutions. If you have experienced threats and have asked for help, please, access our questionnaires

ECPMF calls on Turkey drop the charges against journalist Oktay Candemir - Article

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, as part of  Media Freedom Rapid Response calls on the Turkish authorities to immediately and unconditionally drop the charges against freelance journalist Oktay Candemir and to return his confiscated property in full and without delay

Italian journalist beaten over reporting on alleged judicial corruption - Article

As part of the MFRR, IPI calls for thorough investigation into brazen daylight attack on Michele Santagata

Convictions overturned and retrial ordered for murder of Serbian journalist Ćuruvija - Article

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today expressed dismay after a court in Belgrade overturned the convictions of those found guilty of the 1999 murder of Serbian journalist Slavko Ćuruvija and ordered a retrial

Journalists detained, tear gassed covering protests in Bulgaria - Article

MFRR partner, IPI condemn the violence against journalists and media workers covering anti-government protests by police officers

Slovakia: a sad day for media freedom - Article

For justice to be done, all those who played a role in the murder of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová must be held to account. MFRR partners call for the fight for justice to continue, as alleged masterminds are acquitted

Suspected mastermind in the murder of Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak acquitted - Article

IPI has monitored the trial. Verdict a major setback for justice and fight against impunity

Montenegro: three journalists accused of spying for Serbia - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners and press and media freedom organisations raise concerns about three journalists who are accused of spying in Montenegro

MFRR calls for a robust and transparent investigation into threats made against Nello Scavo - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners and freedom of expression organisations call on the Maltese and Italian governments to ensure a robust, thorough and transparent investigation into Neville Gafà for threats made against journalist, Nello Scavo