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Search for "professional_journalism" returned 190 matches

Press freedom in 'post-democracy' Greece - Reports

Nine journalists were sanctioned by the Disciplinary Board of the Journalists’ Union of Athens following an investigation into the skewed coverage of the bailout referendum of July 2015. However, the issue is structural and involves the way mainstream media have been covering the financial crisis and austerity policy for several years

Capturing Human Rights: 2016 Photo & Art Contest - Opportunities

A Freedom House contest for photographers and artists

ECtHR: Conviction of journalists for an interview using a hidden camera infringed their freedom of expression - Legal Resources

After a lengthy legal fight, Swiss journalists obtained a positive ruling from the European Court of Human Rights, determining that their conviction for using a hidden camera in the case of insurance broker malpractice violated their rights

Freedom of Expression grant for Investigative Journalism - Opportunities

Journalismfund invites application for its Freedom of Expression Grant: €15,000 to document attacks on the freedom of expression. The application deadline is September 21, 2016

Burnout in journalists: a systematic literature review - Reports

A concise, comprehensive, and systematic review of the quantitative literature relating to the experience of burnout in journalists

Internet Censorship Circumvention Tools: Escaping the Control of the Syrian Regime - Academic Sources

Taking Syria as a case study, this paper examines whether Internet censorship succeeded in preventing Internet users from reaching censored online content during 2010−2012

The Cost of Freedom of Expression Thursday 28 January 2016 - Infographic


against journalists and impunity. The infographic presents data referring to the period 2006-2013, providing detailed information about the number of journalists killed, their professional position, gender

Representation of minorities in the new media - Reports

A study published by Media Observatory presents a content analysis of coverage of minorities by prominent online media outlets in four Balkan countries

Training Manual on International and Comparative Media and Freedom of Expression Law - Manuals

This manual provides resources and background materials to help trainers prepare and participants to understand training workshops on media and freedom of expression law 

Backgrounds, Experiences and Responses to Online Hate Speech: A Comparative Cross-Country Analysis - Reports

With funding from the EU's Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme, a recent report by the PRISM project has empirically investigated online hate speech in France, Italy, Romania, Spain and the UK