Search "Montenegro"

Search for ""Montenegro"" returned 100 matches

MFRR to hold press freedom mission to Greece - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response will hold an online fact-finding mission to Greece in the first half of December to assess increasing concerns about media freedom and the safety of journalists in the country

CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism - Article

The focus 2021 of the Award is Covid-19. One virus, many stories: investigative reporting on the socio-economic impact of the global pandemic

The Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Selected OSCE Participating States - Reports

The report provides an analysis of findings of ODIHR's assessment visits to the Czech Republic, Georgia, Italy, Mongolia and Montenegro, undertaken as part of the first country-specific assessment cycle focused on human rights defenders

Media Pluralism Monitor 2021 - Monitoring tool

The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom at the European University Institute has released the Media Pluralism Monitor 2021, a tool to assess threats to media pluralism in Europe. This report confirms the findings of the previous one, showing that no country is free from risks to media pluralism

MFRR to hold press freedom mission to Slovenia - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) will hold an online mission to Slovenia at the end of May and beginning of June 2021 to assess growing concerns about the deteriorating climate for press and media freedom over the past year

Montenegro: Jovo Martinović's appeal rejected - Article

OBCT joined leading international press freedom and journalists’ organisations in condemning the continued judicial persecution of Montenegrin investigative journalist, Jovo Martinović after his appeal was rejected 

Montenegro: Vijesti Television journalist Sead Sadiković injured after group attack - Article

IPI calls for thorough investigation after assault

Mapping Fake News and Disinformation in the Western Balkans and Identifying Ways to Effectively Counter Them - Reports

A study requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs, concluding that the European Union should focus on the role that it can play in bolstering the quality of democracy and governance in the Western Balkans, as the most powerful potential bulwark against disinformation

Montenegro: MFRR letter to authorities for threats to Olivera Lakić - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Responses calls for urgent police protection for Olivera Lakić following assassination threats made against her

MFRR Fast Response Mission Report: Montenegro - Reports

Media Freedom in Montenegro: Uncertain optimism or optimistic uncertainty. A report authored by European Centre for Press and Media Freedom with contributions from Renate Schroeder of European Federation of Journalists and Luka Zanoni of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT)