Search professional 17journalism

Search for "professional 17journalism" returned 49 matches

The Panama and Paradise Papers: The Rise of a Global Fourth Estate - Academic Sources

This article connects recent large-scale projects by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), such as the Panama and Paradise Papers revelations, to ongoing theoretical discussions about emergent forms of journalism

Junk News and Bots during the German Parliamentary Election: What are German Voters Sharing over Twitter? - Academic Sources

The article studies Twitter data on bot activity and junk news using a set of hashtags related to the 2017 German Parliamentary Election

The cultural and economic power of advertisers in the business press - Academic Sources

A study of the impact of advertising practices on the editorial independence of reporters

Control the money, control the media - Academic Sources

An account of the ways governments use funding to keep the media in line

Defining "Fake News." A Typology of Scholarly Definitions - Academic Sources

In the last two decades, the term "fake news" has been used with several different meanings, which fall into six categories. It is possible to map them out according to their reliance on facts and their intention to mislead

"They Go for Gender First." The Nature and Effect of Sexist Abuse of Female Technology Journalists - Academic Sources

Most women journalists writing about technology experience forms of harassment. As a result, they tend to resort to self-censorship and risk to be marginalised from the media industry

Disinformation and Social Bot Operations in the Run Up to the 2017 French Presidential Election - Academic Sources

In a paper published on First Monday, Emilio Ferrara studies the role of Twitter in the MacronLeaks disinformation campaign

Churnalism on the Rise? Assessing Convergence Effects on Editorial Practices - Academic Sources

Newrooms' excessive reliance on pre-packaged sources of news lowers the quality of information and threatens media pluralism, but it has become a mainstream practice - at least in the case of Greece

Fighting Putin and the Kremlin’s grip in neo-authoritarian Russia - Academic Sources

An article on the issues faced by liberal journalists in Russia and their coping strategies

Radical Journalism: Lessons from Greece - Academic Sources

How radical journalism in crisis-stricken Greece understands itself and operates in a context that can be described as post democracy