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Search for "professional 17journalism" returned 97 matches

International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) - Stakeholders

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) is a non-profit organisation based in Wasington DC (USA) that works at the nexus of journalism and technology, building the expertise and storytelling skills of reporters worldwide. ICFJ work in five key areas: Media Innovation; Investigative Reporting; Global Exchanges; Speciality Journalism and Diversity Programs. It is active in 8 regions worldwide, including Europe.

MIDAS - Stakeholders

Founded in 2001, the European Association of Daily Newspapers in Minority and Regional Languages (MIDAS) stimulates cooperation in the areas of information exchange, printing and marketing within an ever-growing community of minority daily newspapers throughout Europe. MIDAS also provides opportunities such as study visit programmes for journalists to report on minority protection and cultural diversity in Europe; it awards the Otto Von Hasburg Prize and the Midas Prize for Journalism .

Internews - Stakeholders

Internews is an international non-profit organization. It aims at empowering local media worldwide and to provide people a mean to make their voices heard. It also carries out research and training activities addressed both to media professionals and citizen journalists. Internews has worked in more than 90 countries, and currently has offices in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and North America. - Stakeholders

Established in 2011, is a watchdog NGO and online newspaper for investigative journalism to promote transparency, accountability, and freedom of information in Hungary. It also operates a Tor-based anonymous whistleblowing platform (Magyar leaks ). It is funded by Open Society Institute Budapest Foundation (34%), micro donations (32%), and other sources (34%); it does not accept money from institutions, political parties, and affiliates.

Investigative Journalism Center of Moldova - Stakeholders

The Investigative Journalism Center of Moldova (Centrul de Investigatii Jurnalistice) is a non-governmental organisation created in 2003. Its main goals include improving the quality of investigative journalism in Moldova, strengthening the skills of investigative journalists, promoting best practices and techniques for investigative journalism, and conducting public awareness campaigns.

Investigative Journalists of Armenia (HETQ) - Stakeholders

Hetq Online has been published since 2001 in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, by the Association of Investigative Journalists NGO. It has been publishing its articles and investigations also in English since 2002. In 2004, the organisation re-registered as the Investigative Journalists NGO. Since 2017, it has been conducting a programme to help develop investigative journalism in Central Asia. 

Tow Center for Digital Journalism - Stakeholders

The Tow Center for Digital Journalism is an institute within the Columbia Journalism School. It was established in 2010 to explore how the development of technology is changing journalism. A multi-year research project on "Platforms and Publishers" is being carried out. 

Pew Research Center - Stakeholders

The Pew Research Center is a non partisan fact tank based in Washington, D.C. conducting public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research in various research areas, including Journalism & Media.

Global Council To Build Trust in Media and Fight Misinformation - Stakeholders

The Global Council To Build Trust in Media and Fight Misinformation (GC2FM) is a global initiative aiming at facilitating and actioning realistic, practical and workable solutions to the problem of misinformation. The Council will unite and focus on this issue through four key areas based on the core needs identified during the framing process: first, the creation of a repository of resources and initiatives in the fight of misinformation: second, the creation of a network of individuals, organisations and initiatives; third, foster innovation in order to identify workable solutions; forth, stimulate the industry to speak with a unified voice.

The framing committee of the Global Council is composed by: the Ethical Journalism Network, the European Broadcasting Union, the Global Editors Network, the Global Forum for Media Development, the Online News Association, and WAN-IFRA/World Editor’s Forum.

The Council was launched in April 2018.

Knight Foundation - Stakeholders

Knight Foundation is a foundation based in the United States. It supports projects in different fields, including journalism, with the aim of fostering informed and engaged communities. The supported initiatives, leaders and ideas are intended to meet the needs of an evolving practice of journalism, including the use and adoption of new media technology. The foundation also seek to enable sustainable news organizations, primarily by supporting the relevance of their journalism to audiences.