Search war_reporting

Search for "war_reporting" returned 50 matches

Munck Fellowship in Global Journalism - Opportunities

The Fellowship is taking place in september 2017. The program aims to provide assistance to professionals who want to report on a topic they are already specialized on.

Journalismfund: European cross-border grant - Opportunities

Journalismfund offers grants in support of teams of journalists investigating cross-border issues. 

n-ost-Reportagepreis 2017 - Opportunities

n-ost-Reportagepreis 2017 rewards journalists whose work conveys extraordinary stories from Eastern Europe

European Press Prize nominations - Opportunities

The European Press Prize will welcome entries for the 2017 edition from the 1st of November until the 16th of December. 

Grants fund investigative journalism - Opportunities

Journalists from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova can apply for grants for investigative journalism projects

Workshop: Investigative Journalism and Defamation Law in Greece - Opportunities

Joint ECPMF/EFJ/IPI event in Thessaloniki aims to strengthen reporting skills and legal awareness

The EU Prize for Journalism 2016 in Georgia - Opportunities

The EU Prize for Journalism seeks to encourage professionalism and ethical conduct in Georgian journalism

ALDA Europe Call for Partners: Media Professionalism Programme in Montenegro - Opportunities

ALDA Europe is looking for partners based in Montenegro to take part in a call for proposals to improve conditions for quality journalism 

ICFJ webinar to help media get started with low-cost news apps - Opportunities

 A webinar to help news organizations to reach their audiences on mobile

Youm7 seeks Arabic-speaking reporters in 25 countries - Opportunities

Egyptian newspaper Youm7 is looking for Arabic-speaking reporters