
213 results

Centre for Media Transparency - Stakeholders

The Centre for Media Transparency (CMT) was a think tank active in 2015-2017, based in London (GB). It was founded by a group of individuals concerned about hidden influence in the media. It operated by coordinating and commissioning the work of others around media ownership and practice, producing the report "Media ownership patterns in post-communist Romania – 5 profiles".

ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency - Stakeholders

ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency is a human rights organization based in Bucharest (Romania) that militates for free communication for public interest. ActiveWatch was founded in 1994 as a media monitoring department of the Catavencu Cultural Academy. It promotes 4 major directions of social intervention: good governance policies, freedom of expression, anti-discrimination and media education.

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) - Stakeholders

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) is a think tank launched in 2000 and based in Trento (Italy). It focuses on South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus. Over time, OBCT expanded its scope and now reports on the socio-political and cultural developments of six EU member states, of seven countries taking part in the EU Enlargement process, and much of post-communist Europe, which is included in the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). 

In 2014, OBCT led the project Safety Net for European Journalists and since 2015 it is part of the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF ).