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Search for "media literacy" returned 2007 matches

Slovenia: Media freedom groups back legislative efforts to depoliticise public media - Article

We welcome the initiative of the Slovenian coalition government to reduce the influence of politics over RTV SLO. The draft proposal is an important first step towards the depoliticisation of the broadcaster

Gag lawsuits, an anti-SLAPP shield is coming - Article

OCCRP, the transnational investigative journalism platform against crime and corruption, has devised a system to prevent lawsuits, prevent self-censorship, and defend journalists from gag lawsuits – an actual shield in defence of reporters. Drew Sullivan, co-founder of OCCRP, explains it to us

By Paola Rosà

Milan city of refuge: protected residences for threatened journalism - Article

A public event to present the Journalist-in-Residence (JiR) project, coordinated by OBC Transeuropa, Q Code Mag and the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium, to relaunch the idea of ​​Milan as a shelter city for journalists. Two journalists who have benefited from the JiR protection programme will be present and will share their experiences

Bulgarian far-right party’s ‘foreign agent’ bill sparks media freedom concerns - Article

Press freedom groups raise alarm that law appears intended to target critical media

Italy, journalism and the rule of law - Article

In a country where media freedom and pluralism are formally protected by a solid legislative framework, the ability of journalists to conduct their investigative work still faces several challenges. We discussed these issues in an interview with Lorenzo Bagnoli, IrpiMedia journalist

by Maria Francesca Rita

Italy: a call in support of Roberto Saviano, defendant in a defamation trial - Article

At the conclusion of the first hearing in the proceedings for aggravated defamation initiated by current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni against Roberto Saviano in 2021, we express our solidarity with the Italian journalist for his commitment to the public interest

Serbia: Protect journalists and denounce death threats against them - Article

The partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response express deep concerns about the death threats against journalists of the daily independent newspaper Danas

Against SLAPPs, the first European conference - Article

The first European conference for the fight against SLAPPs, also known as gag or reckless complaints, was held in Strasbourg on 20 October, organised by the European Center for Press and Media Freedom and the Coalition against SLAPP in Europe. The report of the event

by Sielke Kelner

Romania: the interference of parties in the media - Article

A recent report by the Council of Europe exposes the flow of money that goes from political parties to the media in Romania, and the consequent subordination

by Mihaela Iordache

Killing with impunity Wednesday 02 November 2022 - Infographic


Impunity Safety_of_journalists Local_media