Search "Turkey"

Search for ""Turkey"" returned 276 matches

Press freedom in Turkey's inter-election period - Reports

Pressure on journalists operating in Turkey has severely escalated in the period between the two parliamentary elections held on June 7 and November 1st 2015. The report has been produced following an Emergency Press Freedom Mission conducted by 8 organizations in October 2015. It assesses the rising pressures and threats on journalists as a serious obstacle to free and fair elections

Increasing pressure on press: Democracy in question in Turkey (July-September 2015) Thursday 15 October 2015 - Infographic


The Independent Communication Network Bianet releases periodic reports on the situation of media in Turkey. For the period July - September 2015, the report highlights how the serious deterioration ... Turkey, Censorship, Defamation_and_Libel ... Turkey Censorship Defamation_and_Libel ... The Independent Communication Network Bianet releases periodic reports on the situation of media in Turkey. For the period July - September 2015, the report highlights how the serious deterioration ... Increasing pressure on press: Democracy in question in Turkey (July-September 2015)

Captured News Media: The Case of Turkey - Reports

The research commissioned by the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) is a case study of the media capture phenomenon in Turkey. It gives a historical overview of how the phenomenon has unfolded, which strategies political elites have employed to capture the media, and the overall results and effects on society

Freedom on the net 2015 - Reports

Freedom on the Net – a comprehensive report on internet freedom produced annually by Freedom House - analyses the state censorship of on-line media in 65 countries around the world

Increasing pressure on press: Democracy in question in Turkey - BìA July-September 2015 media observation report - Reports

BIA July-August-September 2015 Media Monitoring Report indicates that criminalization towards journalists and media in Turkey have become more widespread after a peace process was "put into cold storage"

Hosting a Wikipedian in Residence - Article

Building on a previous Wiki GLAM initiative, Wiki4MediaFreedom aims at boosting the availability of accurate knowledge on media freedom and pluralism in Europe on Wikipedia, resulting in open-access, freely reusable quality contents for the wider public in multiple languages.

Wiki4MediaFreedom editorial effort has focussed on media landscapes and media freedom-related issues in the Visegrád countries and the 3 Baltic States, as well as in South-east Europe, the Eastern Partnership countries and Turkey. Four key aspects have received particular attention: transparency of media ownership; media concentration; access to public information; censorship and self-censorship, with a set of country entries developed for each of them.

People who are willing to contribute, learn and help disseminate in languages other than English relevant information on these topics are very welcome to join!

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) - Stakeholders

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) is a think tank launched in 2000 and based in Trento (Italy). It focuses on South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus. Over time, OBCT expanded its scope and now reports on the socio-political and cultural developments of six EU member states, of seven countries taking part in the EU Enlargement process, and much of post-communist Europe, which is included in the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). 

In 2014, OBCT led the project Safety Net for European Journalists and since 2015 it is part of the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF ).

Media Freedom is part of the solution to the Kurdish issue - Reports

The study examines the ties between the Kurdish question and the attacks against media freedom in Turkey

The Charlie Hebdo effect in the Balkans - Reports

In this report the South East European Partnership for Media Development looks at Balkan countries' reactions to the attacks against the French journalists in January 2015

Freedom of Expression and Information - 2014 ECHR and CJEU Case Law - Legal Resources

A review of the European Court of Human Rights and European Court of Justice 2014 case-law on freedom of expression, media and journalistic freedoms