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Search for "political pressure" returned 299 matches

Mapping structural conditions for journalism in Serbia - Reports

This MeCODEM working paper aims to systematically and comprehensively map the structural conditions relevant to journalism and conflict communication in Serbia

Defining media freedom in international policy debates - Academic Sources

Andrei Richter examines the transformation of notions of media freedom in post-war history

Festival of Free Speech - Free Press Unlimited (Netherlands) - HTML5 video

Press freedom declined to its lowest point in 12 years in 2015, as political, criminal, and terrorist forces sought to co-opt or silence the media in their broader struggle for power. Video credit: Free Press Unlimited and SAZZA, based on data from the Freedom House annual report Freedom of the Press 2016.

Europe’s stark deterioration of press freedom - 2016 Q1 REPORT - Reports

Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom platform shows pressure on journalists in Europe increased substantially during the first quarter of 2016

Media situation in Macedonia does not promise fair elections - HTML5 video

Zaneta Trajkoska, Director of the School of Journalism and Public Relations in Skopje, examines how the media landscape in Macedonia hinders free and fair elections

Media Freedom in the Czech Republic - Academic Sources

During the nineties, the privatisation process of the Czech media had a significant impact on the country's political structure and culture. However, despite the relative success of the democratisation of the Czech Republic, there is little empirical evidence to support the claim that the media industry will follow suit

Media Ownership and Finances in Turkey. Increasing Concentration and Clientelism - Reports

This report explores the mechanisms through which ownership concentration and political clientelism limit media freedom and diversity in Turkey

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - Stakeholders

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation based in Germany, acting as a think-tank and consulting agency. Its overall aim is to support the consolidationof democracy, the unification of Europe and the strengthening of transatlantic relations, as well as of development cooperation.

KAS Media Program South East Europe was established to strengthen the role of the media in the course of democratization and transformation - through advanced training, consultancy, dialogue and network building.

KAS BalkanMedia online platform presenting content of regional networks that are encouraging media freedom and diversity in South East Europe, as well as modern and transparent political communication.

Media and Politics in New Democracies - Books

Media and Politics in New Democracies - Europe in a Comparative Perspective, edited by Jan Zielonka, analyses the relationship between the media and politics in new democracies in Europe and other parts of the world

Greece: Press Freedom and Defamation Laws in a Time of Crisis - Reports

A general overview of the legal provisions related to defamation and insult in Greece and how these affect the work of the media