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Search for "professional journalism" returned 285 matches

Media ownership patterns in post-communist Romania - 5 profiles - Reports

An analysis of the media situation in Romania, released by the Center for Media Transparency, highlights different media models in the country, their relation to politics and the deriving challenges in terms of media pluralism and transparency

Media Freedom is part of the solution to the Kurdish issue - Reports

The study examines the ties between the Kurdish question and the attacks against media freedom in Turkey

Greece's bailout referendum 2015: media coverage and the role of social networks - Reports

An article by a Greek multimedia journalist discusses the media coverage of the critical referendum and the role of social networks in challenging the mainstream narrative

Major Trends of Media Development during Post-Communist Transition - Albania - Reports

The study, prepared by Ilda Londo and published by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Albania, concentrates on the media situation and the current challenges in Albania since 1991

Eastern Partnership Media Freedom Landscape 2014 - Reports

The report is based on close monitoring of media freedom in the 6 countries of the Eastern Partnership during the period 2013-2015

Report by the CoE Commissioner for Human Rights following his visit to Bulgaria - Reports

This Report by Nils Muiznieks, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, follows his visit to Bulgaria from 9 to 11 February 2015. The situation of media is one of the worring elements which called for the attention of the Commissioner.

Media policy and independent journalism in Greece - Reports

This study identifies the urgent problems facing media policy in Greece and how they affect independent journalism

Protection of media freedom in Europe - Reports

This 2015 report on media freedom shades light on the deterioration of the safety of journalists and media freedom in Europe

Historical Guide to World Media Freedom. A Country-by-Country Analysis - Books

A global and historical perspective on media freedom in the world edited by professors Whitten-Woodring and Van Belle

Mapping Digital Media: the Czech Republic - Reports

A report by the Open Society Foundation that shows how digital changes affect the media system and democratic services in the Czech Republic