
150 results

Free to Think 2021. Report of the Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project - Reports

The seventh installment of an annual report by Scholars at Risk’s Academic Freedom Monitoring Project. The report analyzes 332 attacks on higher education communities in 65 countries and territories around the world between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021

The Global Expression Report 2021 - Reports

The Global Expression Report is ARTICLE 19’s most comprehensive, data-based report that tracks freedom of  expression across the world

Journalism without a Mask. 2020 Annual Survey of Media Freedom in Bulgaria - Reports

This is the fifth edition of the perception survey conducted online by the Association of European Journalists (AEJ) Bulgaria

Building Trust in Journalism - Bulgaria - Reports

Part of the ‘Building Trust in Journalism in CEE’ project, this report provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities that media are facing in Bulgaria

What do fundamental rights mean for people in the EU? - Fundamental Rights Survey - Reports

FRA’s Fundamental Rights Survey collected data from 35,000 people about their experiences, perceptions and opinions on a range of issues that are variously encompassed by human rights

A gathering storm: the laws being used to silence the media - Reports

A review by Index on Censorship of how laws are being used in Europe to bring actions against journalists

Media Freedom made in Scandinavia: six examples of best practices - Reports

This report of a fact-finding mission to Scandinavia organised by ECPMF with the participation of EFJ and OBCT shows policies and approaches that can inspire change for the better, suggesting what governments and media actors can do to defend media freedom

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020

Freedom in the World 2020 - A Leaderless Struggle for Democracy - Reports

2019 was the 14th consecutive year of decline in global freedom. Some highlights from Freedom House's annual report on political rights and civil liberties

Turkey's Journalists in the Dock. Judicial Silencing of the Fourth Estate. Joint International Press Freedom Mission to Turkey - Reports

The mission, consisting of representatives of International Press Institute (IPI), ARTICLE 19, European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), PEN International, Norwegian PEN, Reporters without Borders (RSF), and European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), reports that the press freedom environment in the country has not improved since the lifting of the state of emergency in July 2018