
33 results

Media Diversity Institute Europe - Stakeholders

The Media Diversity Institute (MDI) works internationally to encourage and facilitate responsible media coverage of diversity. It aims to prevent the media from intentionally or unintentionally spreading prejudice, intolerance and hatred.

Peace Institute - Stakeholders

The Peace Institute is a private, independent, non-profit research institution founded in 1991 and situated in Ljubljana (Slovenia). Among the activities of the Institute there are scientific research, advocacy, interdisciplinary research, educational and awareness-raising activities the areas of social science, humanities, anthropology and law, in five thematic fields: human rights and minorities, politics, media, gender and cultural policies. The Peace Institute is member of the South East European Network for Professionalization of Media.

Montenegro Institute for Media - Stakeholders

Montenegro Institute for Media is a non-profit and non-political organisation devoted to the improvement of professional standards of journalism in Montenegro by training journalists and media professionals. The institute is part of South East European Network for Professionalization of Media