
88 results

Sindicato dos Jornalistas - Support Centres

The Sindicato dos Jornalistas (RJ) is the national journalists' trade union of Portugal, with about 3,000 members. It is a member of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). It has headquarters in Lisboa, a delegation in Porto, and a regional direction in Madeira.

RISE Moldova - Support Centres

RISE Moldova (the Association of Investigative Reporters and Editorial Security) was established in 2014 in Chisinau. Sister group to Romania’s RISE Project, it works with journalists, activists, and programmers to conduct cross-border investigations across Eastern Europe. It also trains investigative journalists and offers logistical and consulting support.

Danish Union of Journalists - Support Centres

The Danish Union of Journalists (Dansk Journalistforbundm, DJ) was founded in 1961. It has more than 18,000 members. 

It is a member of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (EFJ).

Association of Independent Press of Moldova - Support Centres

The Association of Independent Press (Asociatia Presei Independente, API) is a Moldavian non-governmental organisation established in Chisinau in 1997 to support apolitical mass media.

Scoop - Support Centres

SCOOP is a network and support structure for investigative journalists in Eastern Europe, Russia, Caucasus, and Central Asia. It provides financial and professional support to investigative journalists. It was founded in 2003 by the Danish Association of Investigative Journalism (FUJ).

Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) - Support Centres

The Digital Freedom Fund supports Europe’s digital rights litigators – NGOs, pro bono lawyers and sometimes regular litigators – enabling them to become more effective in their work. They do this in a number of ways:

- through grants to support the legal, advocacy, research, and other costs involved in litigation;

- through facilitating digital rights actors’ access to pro-bono legal support.

DFF is supported by Open Society Foundations, Adessium Foundation, Omidyar Network, Renewable Freedom Foundation and the Democracy and Media Foundation.

Print-Digital Council of the Slovak Republic (TR SR) - Support Centres

The Print-Digital Council (former Press Council) of the Slovak Republic (TR SR) is the executive body of the Association for the Protection of journalistic ethics in the Slovak republic (AONE ). It addresses complaints about the possible violation of journalistic ethics, as well as motions concerning restraining the journalists’ access to information.

Association of BH Journalists (BH Novinari) - Support Centres

Association of BH Journalists (BH Novinari) is a non-political and non-profit journalist association based in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. It provides free legal and advocacy support to Bosnian editors, staff or freelance journalists and other media outlets.

Contact persons at its Free Media Help Line are Borka Rudić, 387 33 255 602 and Una Telegrafčić, 387 33 223 818

Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (TGC)/ Turkish Journalists' Association - Support Centres

Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (TGC), the Turkish Journalists' Association, is Turkey’s largest professional organization in its sector that represents nearly 4,000 journalists. It was founded in 1946. The founders were motivated by the idea that journalists should have an independent professional organization safeguarding the principles of the profession and its members. TGC provides legal assistance to journalists facing courts regardless of whether they are members or not of the association. The TGC publishes a daily newspaper named Bizim Gazete .

Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CILD) - Support Centres

Founded in 2014, the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (Coalizione Italiana Libertà e Diritti Civili, CILD) is a network of civil society organizations that protects and expands the rights and liberties of all, through a combination of advocacy, public education and legal action.

CILD also coordinates a Centre for Legal Action that operates as a clearing-house, facilitating the interactions between law firms and non-profit associations in need of legal assistance. 

Legal information: CILD offers information support, in some remote cases, for anyone who asks for help in the field of civil liberties. A sort of emergency legal aid, for a concrete action orientation of protection.

Strategic Litigation: When the only communication and lobbying is not enough, CILD supports the judgment actions with strategic litigation, a specific legal action capable of activating a regulatory change, promote awareness and debate around a theme, mobilizing public opinion, to push policy makers to overcome regulations that violate the fundamental rights of individuals.

Pro bono legal advice: CILD arranges a free legal aid service, as an interface between civil society organizations and lawyers. Requests may concern: legal opinions, statutory acts, comparative research or case law, legal and, in exceptional cases, translations, initiation of litigation.

Access to information: CILD monitors the implementation of the Italian FOIA