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Search for "covid-19" returned 65 matches

Slavko Ćuruvija: Cycle of impunity for killing of journalists in Serbia must be broken - Article

Partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and the SafeJournalists Network (SJN) renew their call for justice for the assassination of Serbian journalist Slavko Ćuruvija to finally be secured and the cycle of impunity for the killings of journalists in Serbia to be broken

Call on Turkish authorities to abstain from further restrictions on media in the aftermath of devastating earthquakes - Article

The undersigned partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) express their condolences with the victims of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and reiterate the need for a free media atmosphere as a crucial element of all disaster relief processes

Italy: Newspaper Domani sued for defamation by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni - Article

At the conclusion of the preliminary hearing in the proceedings for aggravated defamation initiated by current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni against Emiliano Fittipaldi and Stefano Feltri, respectively correspondent and editor of the daily national newspaper “Domani”, we call on Prime Minister Meloni to withdraw the defamation lawsuit and to initiate a reform process targeting defamation laws in the country

Slovakia: Deputy PM’s attacks undermined government’s broader efforts to strengthen press freedom - Article

Media freedom groups express dismay over the recent attempts by deputy Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovič to denigrate the country’s media

International Press Freedom Groups Condemn Turkey Disinformation Bill Placed before Parliament - Article

Twenty five international organisations call on Members of Parliament to vote against the bill on “disinformation and fake news”, a law designed to criminalise the free flow of information. Turkish translation available below

Albania: Press freedom groups call for a fair trial in defamation lawsuit by former top prosecutor against Isa Myzyraj - Article

The defamation case filed against journalist Isa Myzyraj by a former Tirana's prosecutor raises our concerns. MFRR and media freedom organisations call for a fair trial in which the importance of free speech and public interest reporting is appropriately considered

Hungary: Media freedom groups welcome EU court referral over Klubrádió frequency - Article

Move by EU Commission is belated but important signal it will use legal toolbox to defend independent media

Poland: journalist’s criminal defamation conviction may further impair freedom of expression - Article

MFRR partners stand in solidarity with Polityka journalist Ewa Siedlecka, who has been convicted of criminal defamation. Amid the ongoing erosion of media freedom in Poland, there is a justified fear that this verdict might pave the way for a wider criminalisation of expressing an opinion based on information present in the public space

Croatia: MFRR partners concerned about wave of abusive legal actions against - Article

MFRR partners condemn the wave of abusive legal actions filed against, many of which used by powerful individuals as a means of silencing critical expression

Bulgaria: MFRR partners ask the interim government to examine the state of media freedom in the country - Article

Improvement of the situation in Bulgaria needs significant will, as well as a broader recognition of the fundamental role that independent journalism plays for the society. MFRR asks the interim government to prioritise the investigation of threats and attacks against journalists