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Search for "freedom_of_the_press" returned 48 matches

Slovakia: Deputy PM’s attacks undermined government’s broader efforts to strengthen press freedom - Article

Media freedom groups express dismay over the recent attempts by deputy Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovič to denigrate the country’s media

International Press Freedom Groups Condemn Turkey Disinformation Bill Placed before Parliament - Article

Twenty five international organisations call on Members of Parliament to vote against the bill on “disinformation and fake news”, a law designed to criminalise the free flow of information. Turkish translation available below

Hungary: Media freedom groups welcome EU court referral over Klubrádió frequency - Article

Move by EU Commission is belated but important signal it will use legal toolbox to defend independent media

Poland: journalist’s criminal defamation conviction may further impair freedom of expression - Article

MFRR partners stand in solidarity with Polityka journalist Ewa Siedlecka, who has been convicted of criminal defamation. Amid the ongoing erosion of media freedom in Poland, there is a justified fear that this verdict might pave the way for a wider criminalisation of expressing an opinion based on information present in the public space

Slovenia: MFRR dismayed by Prime Minister Janša’s denigrating tweet - Article

MFRR partners call on Prime Minister Janez Janša to cease denigrating Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, and her recent memorandum on freedom of expression and media freedom in Slovenia

Country factsheet: Bulgaria - Article

Called "the black sheep of EU media freedom", Bulgaria faces a lot of issues related to freedom of expression and safety of journalists. Here a detailed overview made by OBCT journalist Francesco Martino, who lives in Sofia

Extradition proceedings against Jonathan Taylor need to end! - Article

A wide range of organisations calls on Croatia and Monaco to end extradition proceedings and asks the European Parliament to condemn the ongoing harassment of such an important whistleblower

MFRR calls on EU countries to protect Hungarian Journalists in Europe from state monitoring - Article

The EU Ministries of Foreign Affairs haven't answered to the letter of concern sent on 25 September, while the situation in Hungary is getting worse

North Macedonia: MFRR partners express concern over recent attacks on journalists and media workers - Article

Six alerts regarding North Macedonia have been registered through the Mapping Media Freedom project since the launch of the MFRR in March 2020. In a letter to Prime Minister Zaev, MFRR partners highlight that attacks on journalists and media workers remain an acute problem, undermining press freedom in the country

Hungary: new attempts of the government to control journalists - Article

The International Press Institute (IPI) expressed serious concern over reports that the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested its embassies in EU countries to deliver information about the activities of Hungarian journalists abroad