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Search for "media law" returned 97 matches

Media Coverage of Protests and Demonstrations - Legal Resources

A thematic fact-sheet by the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists of the Council of Europe that discuss a number of ECtHR cases on the media coverage of protests and demonstrations

SLAPPs’ 5 W’s: a background of the Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation - Legal Resources

Following the assassination of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, a group of European MEPs is calling on the EU Commission to promote an anti-SLAPP EU directive, to counter the attempts at silencing investigative journalism. A backgrounder on the use of the acronym “SLAPP”.

“Telegram” Block in Russia: the Wider Context - Legal Resources

Since mid-April 2018 the Russian authorities have, rather unsuccessfully so far, been attempting to block the “Telegram” messenger, which is an anonymous Internet communication tool. This brief item discusses the context and consequences of the decision

Tackling fake news, the Italian way - Legal Resources

As measures against fake news are widely debated across Europe, the protocol adopted by the Italian Interior Ministry on the eve of political elections, enabling the Postal Police to fact-check and report contents, has caused concern in the public debate

European Parliament resolution of 3 May 2018 on media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union (2017/2209(INI)) - Legal Resources

After the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in October 2017 and Jan Kuciak in Slovakia in February 2018, three MEPs promoted the adoption of this Resolution and continued advocating for anti-SLAPP measures and intiatives to protect journalists

Legal Defence Centres Fighting for Press Freedom in Italy - Legal Resources

Ossigeno per l’Informazione and the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights explain their work for journalists and non-profit associations who face legal charges or need legal assistance

Montenegro: the fight against impunity begins in the courtroom - Legal Resources

Two recent landmark judgements in Montenegro seek to end impunity for crimes against journalists, reversing a long-lasting trend and holding authorities responsible for failing to investigate attacks against journalist Tufik Softić

Media before Serbian Courts: A Struggle to Reach European Standards - Legal Resources

In the field of the media law, Serbian courts are reluctant to adapt to European Court of Human Rights case-law. Serbian NGO YUCOM identified a number of gaps in the jurisprudence and formulated recommendations to address them

Butkevich v. Russia: The Right of Journalistic Newsgathering During Demonstrations - Legal Resources

The case Butkevich v. Russia offers important support to journalists covering public events, demonstrations and police actions, as the European Court of Human Rights upheld that the gathering of information is an essential preparatory step in journalism and an inherent, protected part of press freedom

Köksal v. Turkey: Excessive Formalism or Strict Adherence to Admissibility Criteria? - Legal Resources

Recently the European Court of Human Rights declared thousands of cases from Turkey inadmissible for failure to exhaust newly-available domestic remedies. The authors look at the context and content of the inadmissibility decision