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Search for "north_america" returned 64 matches

Macedonia: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists' safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia has produced a report which intends to assess media freedom throughout three main indicators 

Journalism in Times of Crisis: Case Studies in Six SEE Countries - Reports

A study on the way the media in 6 South-eastern European countries have reported on recent socio-political crises

Media Literacy and Education Needs of Journalists and the Public in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia - Reports

A regional report providing an up-to-date, comparative environmental analysis of journalism education and media literacy programs available in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

Measuring media realities. Media Clientelism Index 2016 - Reports

Clientelism, politicization and corruption hold media captured and prevent them from carrying out their watchdog role. Media Clientelism Index assesses the situation in 6 countries of South East Europe

Being a Journalist in Bulgaria: The State of the Profession - Reports

The first report analyzing the journalistic profession in Bulgaria with the help of media anthropology

Bulgaria: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2017 - Reports

IREX’s study shows that the decade of EU membership has been disappointing for development of the media market in Bulgaria

Comparing models and demanding reforms of public service media in South East Europe - Reports

A comparative overview of funding and governing models of the public service media in the countries of South East Europe

The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in the Western Balkans: The Need for a New paradigm - Reports

Public Service Broadcasters (PSB) in the countries of the Western Balkans are in crisis. At stake is the very legitimacy of public service broadcasting in the region.

Transparency in the Balkans and Moldova - Reports

A 2016 report by BIRN presents a mixed picture of transparency and accountability in the Balkans and Moldova

Freedom of Expression and Protection of Journalistic Sources - Reports

A new extensive report on the Protection of Journalistic Sources drafted by the International Legal Research Group and published by the Council of Europe and ELSA